Hey, well I've been busy, my daughter was born 2 weeks ago, she came unexpectedly about 3 weeks early so it kinda threw me off for a bit. But she's doing awesome & I couldn't be a prouder dad, although I will admit that I'm very thankful her mother has this whole mommy thing down. Other than that all's going normally, we're just adjusting to...
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Well it's been a long while for me here, I cancelled my account for the better part of a year, but decided I couldn't stay away, haha. So, where've I been, let's see...still live in Vegas, now I work regularly at a comic book shop & that rocks, so I'm happy with my job now. My girl & I are expecting our first child to...
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<<Sigh>> Not much going on for me out here, weathers cooling off finally, it feels great, been raining lately & that's always nice. Working nights at Circus Circus, just for kicks, working in the Frightdome & getting to scare lots of people, that's always fun. Lots of movies coming out on DVD this month, I'm loving it, just bought High Tension, that movie rocks, if...
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you made me laught with your comment, thanks kiss
Hello out there...I know, it's been a while since I've written anything...just haven't had much to say. Same old thing going on with me, going to work, hangin' out with friends, seeing movies, you know...same old same old. I did go see Megadeth while they were here in town & that was awesome, but other than that, nothing new. whatever
Hey Mister! I'm cleaning out my Friendlies list, I haven't seen your ass around in a while! Do you still play in SGville?
If you come back, let me know, I'll re-friend you if you'd like. kiss
Well, it's been a few days, but I've been busy with work & shit, I sure do love debt!! Yay....eh whatever....So if ya havn't already seen Batman Begins, it kicks ass, I wanna see it again, fucking rocked!!! I loved Penn & Teller, really thought their show was great, hell I want to go see them again, I will if I get the chance. The...
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Sounds like its been a little hectic for you too! Glad you liked Penn and Teller, to each their own I suppose.
Well another slow week gone by, but I ain't gonna complain, rather have a boring week than a shitty one. All things aside I'm expecting next week to kick ass!! Right now I plan on seeing Batman Begins on the IMAX which is gonna be awesome. Then I have tickets to go see Penn & Teller which I'm totally amped for, I'm a huge fan...
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Hmmm... I'll be curious to hear what you think of the Penn and Teller show. I saw it a while back and well.... Hated it. I was shocked, really, I always liked them on TV, but literally fell asleep during their show. I don't mean to cloud your perception, shit, it could've been a fluke. Lemme know...
Awww... Is Hypocrisy grumpy too? Well, the grass is always greener, the sun will come out tomorrow, don't wory be.... Fuck it. Cheerful cliches never helped me much either. Hows CineVegas shaking out?
Well, let's see, where to begin telling about myself. I was born in TX & lived there for a number of my early years, I was lucky I had some quite liberal parents considering my rather bizare interests began early & we were literally right in the middle of the bible belt. Then when I was around 10 I moved to CA & damn did...
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Not that interesting? On the contrary my friend! It has all the elements of a Hollywood Blockbuster: love, struggle, betrayal, rebellion, I'd rent it. wink That situation with the wife sounds pretty shitty, then you hear about the return of "the one who got away", and it brings a happy tear to my eye. Thanks for putting this up, its nice to know more about you than your favorite films.
Oh well, nothing new going on here...just been chillin' same shit day after day...I need to break this monotany...yeah, definately....
Thanks for the compliment! Now tell me, what does said monotony consist of? What do you mean by "tech", and where do you perform such duties?
So here I am again, I tell ya I really needed today off...I've been beat every single fucking day this week...it was nice to sleep in, or at least till the goddamned dog started barking, but whatever. Gonna go see Episode 3 today, I really hope it's better than the last one, please...maybe I'll go hit the strip tonight, I ain't been up there in...
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Well, todays my other day off, I need it too...I had yesterday off as well, but you wouldn't know it cause I'm still tired & feel like shit. I need to just go to sleep fo like 8 or 9 days, that's probably what I need. Saw House of Wax last night, wasn't bad....wasn't too good either, but hey I've seen worse too. What am...
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That is, indeed, very true.
Well, big suprise, another night not much sleep...the dog has found himself a habit where he likes to wake me up barking when I'm sleeping the soundest....usually around 4 in the morning. It's getting so deep under my skin I think I might choke him next time. <<Sigh>> I hate having to go to work when I'm this fucking tired....Oh well.....here goes....
I'm running on very little sleep as well
Been a while, got a good job finally, switched states, good times all in all....