The Tattoo Monster himself James Kern is stopping through Chicago and therefore Wednesday the work on completing the full sleeve begins.
This means I'm a very happy camper and on top of that, it's gonna be great to hang out with James again. Great artist and a good friend. Double bonus. You Portland fukers are lucky to have him in your neighborhood
. Support your local tattoo artists !! They need to eat too !!!
Mew Mew Power is ok in my book.
Before the day of gray I want to get something off my chest. My heartfelt apologies go out to every one of my friends who have been exposed to and offended or made to feel uncomfortable any of the three rather sorted moments where alcohol and I embraced in a self destructive death dance these past few months. When you get too close with that dark siren she just squeezes you and out come all of your demons. Not a pretty sight but then again, sometimes you become complacent and forget you have those unresolved demons residing in your heart and surrounding your soul. At best, and unfortunately, those moments can be a moment of enlightenment to remind oneself any and all issues need to be dealt with, not ignored in hopes that they will dissolve away into the dream world of forgotten memories. Negative energy and experiences have a way of clinging to your insides and holding you close. They derive strength from your neglect. And so what was meant to rattle my cage has rather galvanized it. We may all fall short of the glory and the true self along the path but that does not forgo the obligation to apologies when friends are affected by an occasional bumpy journey of self discovery. So to all of you who have caught the blade of my angst on the tip of a martini glass, know that...I see...I know...and I am self-aware, apologetic and humbled. These things need to be said because they're the truth.
Allow me to reinforce this fact though lest any unnecessary concerns's important for me to distinguish the fact that I drink at most 3 times a month...that's it. Frequency is not the problem. It is the fact that these past few months I have gone for broke a few times and when I have I've been a dumbass. Those days no longer have a hold on me, I'm dealing with the soul munchers, I'm happy, I'm greatful, I'm staying away from the dark lady for a spell and you all are good peeps....
This means I'm a very happy camper and on top of that, it's gonna be great to hang out with James again. Great artist and a good friend. Double bonus. You Portland fukers are lucky to have him in your neighborhood
Mew Mew Power is ok in my book.
Before the day of gray I want to get something off my chest. My heartfelt apologies go out to every one of my friends who have been exposed to and offended or made to feel uncomfortable any of the three rather sorted moments where alcohol and I embraced in a self destructive death dance these past few months. When you get too close with that dark siren she just squeezes you and out come all of your demons. Not a pretty sight but then again, sometimes you become complacent and forget you have those unresolved demons residing in your heart and surrounding your soul. At best, and unfortunately, those moments can be a moment of enlightenment to remind oneself any and all issues need to be dealt with, not ignored in hopes that they will dissolve away into the dream world of forgotten memories. Negative energy and experiences have a way of clinging to your insides and holding you close. They derive strength from your neglect. And so what was meant to rattle my cage has rather galvanized it. We may all fall short of the glory and the true self along the path but that does not forgo the obligation to apologies when friends are affected by an occasional bumpy journey of self discovery. So to all of you who have caught the blade of my angst on the tip of a martini glass, know that...I see...I know...and I am self-aware, apologetic and humbled. These things need to be said because they're the truth.