What do you think about being able to communicate with someone...anyone...by pure thought as long as you are within range of a wireless network....over the internet ?
What do you think about being healed not by medication but by having the electrical effects of that medication - the electrical impulses and signals conducted by your body and nervous system when the meds are taken - induced in your body...so that you are not healed by the actual medicine...only by the electrical activity that the medicine induces ?
What about being able to replay emotions, sensations or fully immursive, fully penta-sensual experiences by simply replaying a file on your hard drive which wirelessly transmits and induces those electrical triggers in your brain ?
Scary, huh? It has begun....in the mind (and arm) of Kevin Warwick
Are you ready for cyber slavery ?
disturbing but intriguing none-the-less....a think piece with teeth...and, of course, a madman with a taste for accellerated mutation and unnatural selection...
What do you think about being healed not by medication but by having the electrical effects of that medication - the electrical impulses and signals conducted by your body and nervous system when the meds are taken - induced in your body...so that you are not healed by the actual medicine...only by the electrical activity that the medicine induces ?
What about being able to replay emotions, sensations or fully immursive, fully penta-sensual experiences by simply replaying a file on your hard drive which wirelessly transmits and induces those electrical triggers in your brain ?
Scary, huh? It has begun....in the mind (and arm) of Kevin Warwick
Are you ready for cyber slavery ?

Weren't you just on a trip? How are you?
Are you sure you wouldn't end up killing me in France?