Ok Kids...update time....
So here is the thought I've been rolling around in my head for the past week like some dried up gourd maracas....
Music. Specifically harmony. Music is vibration. Vibration makes up all of matter (if you subscribe to superstring or "M Theory"). The universe is vibration. Light is an oscillating wave. Sound is another oscillating wave but resonating at a different frequency. Although not exactly proven many agree smell is the product of Osmic waves. All of our sensory input is detected by our body and is translated by our various organs tuned into that specific varying frequency band. But this is just background to a different question I pose to you.
Music. We are accustomed to hearing a Major chord and in response to that sound stimulus feeling happy or getting an "upbeat" even "cheesy" vibe from it. When you see a happy film, you get music with major chords in it to set the mood.
In response to a minor chord we feel tension. We feel sadness...more "negative" or darker emotions. This is putting it simplistically, I know. But the point is we get a "happy" vibe from major chords and a "sad" vibe from minor chords for the sake of parsimony.
These frequencies or vibrations of air density enter our ears and our brains interpret them. Now...without going into too much music theory and explaining harmonics and frequency interaction among those harmonics which resonate in a single note or three notes (a triad) to form a chord, suffice it to say that it is the interaction of those three basic notes in a triad that mathematically and harmonically give a chord it's "sound", quality and character or timbre.
Ok...I need to stop the technical here because I'm going to loose you. Simply put....notice how, again, you get a happy feeling when you hear a major chord and a sad feeling when you hear a minor chord ? There is reason to believe that there is something innate in this recognition in the brain. It is as if hardwired in our brains is the tendency to evoke these emotions in recognition of a more universal state of "unrest" with the harmonic interactions of a minor chord.
I am proposing, as I feel this is a musical or vibratory universe where all matter is made up of a symphony of oscillating strings resonating at various frequencies (if you want an explanation of Superstring theory and the vibratory physics it's based on give me a shout), that the fact that we have these reactions to major and minor chords is no accident. There is mathematical expressions showing harmony and dissonance in resonance. It seems there is an order to this....
My question :
Do you think that harmony and our emotional response to major and minor chords (to keep it simple) is an innate hardwiring of our brains as reflective of some greater universal order and truth or is it simply learned as we are exposed to it in the course of our lives? Is there a universal and mathematical design behind this or is it just another reality thrust upon us by those that have come before us and have socially trained us to respond this way...? Why ?
So here is the thought I've been rolling around in my head for the past week like some dried up gourd maracas....
Music. Specifically harmony. Music is vibration. Vibration makes up all of matter (if you subscribe to superstring or "M Theory"). The universe is vibration. Light is an oscillating wave. Sound is another oscillating wave but resonating at a different frequency. Although not exactly proven many agree smell is the product of Osmic waves. All of our sensory input is detected by our body and is translated by our various organs tuned into that specific varying frequency band. But this is just background to a different question I pose to you.
Music. We are accustomed to hearing a Major chord and in response to that sound stimulus feeling happy or getting an "upbeat" even "cheesy" vibe from it. When you see a happy film, you get music with major chords in it to set the mood.
In response to a minor chord we feel tension. We feel sadness...more "negative" or darker emotions. This is putting it simplistically, I know. But the point is we get a "happy" vibe from major chords and a "sad" vibe from minor chords for the sake of parsimony.
These frequencies or vibrations of air density enter our ears and our brains interpret them. Now...without going into too much music theory and explaining harmonics and frequency interaction among those harmonics which resonate in a single note or three notes (a triad) to form a chord, suffice it to say that it is the interaction of those three basic notes in a triad that mathematically and harmonically give a chord it's "sound", quality and character or timbre.
Ok...I need to stop the technical here because I'm going to loose you. Simply put....notice how, again, you get a happy feeling when you hear a major chord and a sad feeling when you hear a minor chord ? There is reason to believe that there is something innate in this recognition in the brain. It is as if hardwired in our brains is the tendency to evoke these emotions in recognition of a more universal state of "unrest" with the harmonic interactions of a minor chord.
I am proposing, as I feel this is a musical or vibratory universe where all matter is made up of a symphony of oscillating strings resonating at various frequencies (if you want an explanation of Superstring theory and the vibratory physics it's based on give me a shout), that the fact that we have these reactions to major and minor chords is no accident. There is mathematical expressions showing harmony and dissonance in resonance. It seems there is an order to this....
My question :
Do you think that harmony and our emotional response to major and minor chords (to keep it simple) is an innate hardwiring of our brains as reflective of some greater universal order and truth or is it simply learned as we are exposed to it in the course of our lives? Is there a universal and mathematical design behind this or is it just another reality thrust upon us by those that have come before us and have socially trained us to respond this way...? Why ?
Thanks, bro. I shit you not, The Day you met me, things could not have been more hopeless for me. But a mere day later, all became finally right in the House of Flow.