Here's a confession...I was going to post this on the boards but thought I'd just throw it up here...
When I was a youngin' my mom refused to allow sweets in the house at all. We had a dog named Warlock at the time. Thing mom bought a dog treat called Dog Kisses which were some sort of approved dog chocolate-substitute type chew. I used to sneak in the closet pantry and steel his dog kisses. One for him and one for me.
Wow...I just remembered that today...I can't believe I remembered that today....I was one strange kid methinks...
When I was a youngin' my mom refused to allow sweets in the house at all. We had a dog named Warlock at the time. Thing mom bought a dog treat called Dog Kisses which were some sort of approved dog chocolate-substitute type chew. I used to sneak in the closet pantry and steel his dog kisses. One for him and one for me.

Wow...I just remembered that today...I can't believe I remembered that today....I was one strange kid methinks...

Ok, I got one fo' ya. When I went to camp the summer before 7th grade, I was teased by all the other bitchy little girls for not shaving my legs yet. When I came home and told my mother about this, she forbid me to shave my legs as I wasn't old enough yet. So, I promptly went upstairs, ran a bath, and shaved my legs. And she GROUNDED me.
So, yeah. You should definitely go to burning man next year. I'm sure it's changed an unreal amount since 1999 - some for the bad (cost of tickets, presence of frat boys seeking free nudity and cheap sex) and some for the good (everything else). It's definitely still worth the trek out there.