So...lately i've had this habit of imbibing a ton of caffine and going to sleep. I'm not sure how my body does it. I'll take enough wakey-wake to keep most of Erie, PA up all night and my body just says..."...hey doesn't a nap sound good right now...?" and i say "...uhhh, well....SURE !!!" and i pass out, have insane dreams and my eyes will snap open an hour later as i transverse a netherworld between the consciously aware and the lucid dream scape. i emerge from my groggy world of overstimulated neuronic misfires....drink a gallon of water...and slowly return to normality....albeit slightly tweaked from the whole experience. Moral of the story...caffine is not the answer. i think rather i need to take better care of myself. i've been eating like crap...not enough and not often enough...and my sleep has been catch as catch can. Nothing regular or normal.
Been appreciating life's an amazing thing. i'm alone here in my flat...listening to some trancy ambient on internet radio typing...pausing...thinking...feeling my cold hands on my stomach as i try and warm them from my body core...thinkin' about people, responsibilities, traffic....oh yeah....and my chest is slowly rising and falling...i'm breathing...what an amazing gift this least this meat popsicle thinks so...and what an absoute trip it is to try and wrap your brain around that fact....i hope you're all doing good out there in the land of 001001110100010100.... Good fuckin' vibes out to everyone....
............END OF TRANSMISSION...........
Shameless Addendum....
...Oh yeah, and if you haven't seen American Splendor check it's a movie worth seein'...
note to self : wear more plaid
Been appreciating life's an amazing thing. i'm alone here in my flat...listening to some trancy ambient on internet radio typing...pausing...thinking...feeling my cold hands on my stomach as i try and warm them from my body core...thinkin' about people, responsibilities, traffic....oh yeah....and my chest is slowly rising and falling...i'm breathing...what an amazing gift this least this meat popsicle thinks so...and what an absoute trip it is to try and wrap your brain around that fact....i hope you're all doing good out there in the land of 001001110100010100.... Good fuckin' vibes out to everyone....
............END OF TRANSMISSION...........
Shameless Addendum....

note to self : wear more plaid
Hmmthe last time I was at BM was in 99, so Im not sure how it has changed or if its changed at all. I cant imagine it becoming more commercialized than it was in 99.
And I love Billy Corgan.
Whats up with you?