global warming is makin it rain here constantly.....
soon to be off on a nice little holiday!!!!
WTF?!? Are you kidding?
happy birthday to me!!!
happy belated birthday! I'm scared of this run. It's my first half marathon and I've had some crappy training runs. I know I'll have to be careful to pace myself in the beginning. It's going to be hard because I'm going to want to cover as much ground as possible as fast as possible.
i am almost ashamed to say that i have caved into capitalisim and got sky hd installed... its very good picture quality, but then again.... can only watch one at a time... some things will suffer until i get bored of my new fangled toy...
will do! thanks love!
marathon training is going well, i think. way off my fitness of last year and doubt will run under 4.30... because my injury has put me out for so long. but doing it at all will be another fantastic experience.
i bought i box set of dvds while shopping last week that has loads of top scientists and phds telling hat we are decended from extra terrestrial beings, and have 9 hrs of visual documented evidence to prove this, everyingthing from pyramids to every biblical book proves this!!! supposidly...
i cannot wait for the postm to bring me my latest purchase off the www. the platinium collection, gary moore, the man was an absolute legend. one of the very best things ever to come from this troubled little land called northern ireland. Gary, i love ya man! it will be a nice long drive in the car for me when it arrives, no doubt,...
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Thanks for visiting my page Ill keep you posted as to when a new set go's up xo
decided i need a little more rest to try and get my ligament injury sorted... not too sure now about beating the 4 hour mark for the 26.2 miles i am running in may, if indeed my foot will be able for the training i need to do for it at all....
poor man, a husband ...
why a poor man ?
5 miles now in 45 dead. going good so far, injury is giving a few problems, just lesme know how hard i am going to have to work at a later date. supposed to be out for 8 miles today but its a no go with my left foot... maybe an hour on the cross trainer... no impact???
thanks for the add!
my marathon training and diet has started... just over 3 miles tonight in 26.04. not too bad, lots of work to do sill to get over my injury and to beat this years time.... hope to blog my training more as thats what i will be focusing on.... hope to get loads of support from you guys!!!???
Good luck and never give up!
no its the belfast one in may, dublin is in october, just couldnt get doing it this year with other commitments anyways, i was injured at the time it was running. 5 miles last night in 45.30, so not doing too bad, just another little bit of pace and distance to drop about 7lbs and the hard work starts... in about 2 weeks but i love it!!!