Hi everyone!! I hope you're all well!
Just thought I'd post a random blog entry as I'm struggling to keep myself entertained today!
I would love to get out snapping photos but the ideas just aren't flowing. Some cloud/sky photos could be an option! There are a lot of big cumulus clouds floating by right now. That's it! I'm determined to do something haha
I've just finished watching Season 3 of Sons of Anarchy! This is such an amazing song from the final episode. I may get started on Season 4 later
In other news...I'll get to see Paramore in my home city in 2 weeks time! I fucking love Hayley Williams!

Jake Bugg, Bastille, Vampire Weekend, Everything Everything, HAIM, Jessie Ware and many more will also be at the same concert

Keep an eye on my Flickr account. I might post a few cloud photos in a while if I can get a few good snaps
That's all for now peeps.
Be excellent to each other!