How the bloody hell is everyone?
I've been very busy with work which I really can't complain about...I'm just the most disorganised person in the world which makes things a little crazy at times. I've been pressing a lot of t-shirts & clothing recently too and I'm so glad I took a chance with this extra little side-project. I love it! I'd really love to
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So sad to hear of the passing of an SG queen. RIP Carrina :( Long before joining the site I was fascinated by photos I had seen on Facebook and this lady was certainly one of the reasons I decided to sign up. A true beauty! Very shocked to hear of this...and honestly, a bit surprised how little had/has been posted on the official SG...
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Haha Ladiessssss!
I've just started a little t-shirt printing venture as a side-project to my graphic design work. I've been following the SG & Hopeful periscopes for a few months now and I had a sudden brainwave tonight haha
I'm sure you're all aware of some of the rude comments/requests which have been lost in translation :D's just a simple concept but I thought
Read More was great to get my camera out for some nature snaps as opposed to the lazers & strobe lights that I'm used to! I love how raindrops sit on leaves! :D
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Hey everyone!
I'm going to try this blog homework for the first time :) Do regular members also take part in this? I'll give it a blast anyway. I don't think I'm active enough on here...or at least using the site to it's full potential!
Sooo...What would you wish for if a genie granted you 3 wishes?
1. I'd wish to be less anxious.
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You ladies are a bad influence! haha (loving it!)
You ladies are a bad influence! haha (loving it!)
I discovered this app last night and it's been amazing! Especially the SG account! It has been so good to see some of the SG ladies broadcasting live
I've also been watching actor/comedian Tom Green skateboarding around Daytona Beach haha. I love it!
If any of you have an account, let me know how to find you!