lemmie just bask in this for a second.....
I feel so damn loved by all the sexy people out there in cyberland!!!
Well folks its official: I have a cold. which means I nestle on my couch watching horrible movies like Dr. Doolittle and sniffle. cute.
ahhhh! I accidently deleted the most charming message from the nicest girl saying I was a awsome SG and how we both have a thing for men in womans clothes. If you are her and reading this now PLEASE send me another email. I was totally going to answer you and then we would become the best friends ever!! I am so serious.
I am not very entertaining right now. I just am so flattered by all the comments and messages and IM's I could burst.
now I will leave you with a few photos of me and my roomates being assholes while we wait for our table at cafe Nirvana in the castro. Can I just tell you what a fag hag I am??? Its insane. I get attacked by beautiful Gay men wherever I go....hello welcome to my life...Did I also mention that I get to work with gay male porn stars all day long...tomorrow is hawaiian day too.....aaaaaand I'm rambling....... enjoy!

lemmie just bask in this for a second.....
I feel so damn loved by all the sexy people out there in cyberland!!!
Well folks its official: I have a cold. which means I nestle on my couch watching horrible movies like Dr. Doolittle and sniffle. cute.
ahhhh! I accidently deleted the most charming message from the nicest girl saying I was a awsome SG and how we both have a thing for men in womans clothes. If you are her and reading this now PLEASE send me another email. I was totally going to answer you and then we would become the best friends ever!! I am so serious.
I am not very entertaining right now. I just am so flattered by all the comments and messages and IM's I could burst.
now I will leave you with a few photos of me and my roomates being assholes while we wait for our table at cafe Nirvana in the castro. Can I just tell you what a fag hag I am??? Its insane. I get attacked by beautiful Gay men wherever I go....hello welcome to my life...Did I also mention that I get to work with gay male porn stars all day long...tomorrow is hawaiian day too.....aaaaaand I'm rambling....... enjoy!

Now come make my eye shadow look like that.