gooooooooooood mooooorning! I woke up to a billion IM's saying I was pretty naked. horray! happy effing mothers day!!
Let me tell you a little about my first set.
Now if I havnt already proven this enough,when it comes to big important things, I usually act like a compleate asshole example: Before going to shoot my set in LALA land I bought a different dye for my hair. So I dye it at like 3am go to bed and think nothing of it. Turns out the dye decided to dye my hands and half my back blue. I was getting shit all that weekend, and right before I did this I had three people wiping me down with towels and sea breeze.
The photographer is a really good friend of mine. We shot this in the power room of his building, People could walk by any minute and see me in the buff. some did, but his lovly girlfriend Smooshie the Klown and our friend Arlette blocked the doorway.
and about the klown thing, Its a group called the Porn Klown Posse you can look them up at they effing rock. hopefully you will soon see a set with hymen the klown!!
so yes enjoy my set. I am compleaty flattered by all the comments.
*if you look close you can even see my blue fingers*
gooooooooooood mooooorning! I woke up to a billion IM's saying I was pretty naked. horray! happy effing mothers day!!
Let me tell you a little about my first set.
Now if I havnt already proven this enough,when it comes to big important things, I usually act like a compleate asshole example: Before going to shoot my set in LALA land I bought a different dye for my hair. So I dye it at like 3am go to bed and think nothing of it. Turns out the dye decided to dye my hands and half my back blue. I was getting shit all that weekend, and right before I did this I had three people wiping me down with towels and sea breeze.
The photographer is a really good friend of mine. We shot this in the power room of his building, People could walk by any minute and see me in the buff. some did, but his lovly girlfriend Smooshie the Klown and our friend Arlette blocked the doorway.
and about the klown thing, Its a group called the Porn Klown Posse you can look them up at they effing rock. hopefully you will soon see a set with hymen the klown!!
so yes enjoy my set. I am compleaty flattered by all the comments.
*if you look close you can even see my blue fingers*

your fingers were "blue"?!, ... LOL!
simply beautiful! awsome set.