feelings like 100x times bette this week!!! only thrown up a few times and don't wake up as sick anymore.. better than my bryan is fairing, he wakes up nauseated now.. lol, guess he's having sympathy morning sickness.
More Blogs
Friday Jul 17, 2009
i am cleaning the entire fucking house today.. wish me luck.. -
Thursday Jul 16, 2009
so yes, lost chances will always remain in the back of everyone's min… -
Wednesday Jul 15, 2009
wonders about lost chances.. -
Tuesday Jul 14, 2009
gonna be 2 semesters behind on my nursing degree... oh well, at least… -
Sunday Jul 12, 2009
so, things are better.. not as boring.. but if i can't shoot my set b… -
Saturday Jul 11, 2009
going to get a new tattoo... -
Friday Jul 10, 2009
started to shoot her set today, but once again, rain came in.. got th… -
Thursday Jul 09, 2009
been so bored lately... yesterday had to help w/ a volleyball camp.. … -
Tuesday Jul 07, 2009
didn't catch shit!!!! fucking fish... -
Tuesday Jul 07, 2009
long day ahead of me... first gotta gather eggs from the chickens, th…
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