It's Saturday the second day of my three day weekend. I relised today that I shouldn't be given this much time off. When I have this much time all I do is think and sometimes to much. Often it leads me into a phase of depression. Why? You might ask. Well I think to much about my life and where i'm going. Not of the distant future but of the next few months. I know where I want to be in five years I just get depressed about the now. Ever since I moved to Idaho back in 2000 I don't have any REAL friends. Sure I know people at work, school and stuff but no one who calls and invites me to do something or just ask's how i'm doing. I'll try and pick up a hobbie sooner or later. I could always look for a girlfriend but all the good girls are taken and the one's that are available are single mom's, really religous or there's just something wrong with them. What do girls and a parking lot's have in common? All the good ones are taken and the rest are handycap. I miss my old life in Washington. I had friends, lots of them. I'll survive I only have a year left of school then i'll try out for the culinary internship with Disney world. I can make it.
kiss you!