Well it's been a year since I've been on here. What's new you ask? Well I just recently became a cop. It's better money then the resturant and more exciting. Everyday something new happens, like just the other day I was search a guy who was arrested for a DUI and I found cocain in his pocket. But the bad thing about that is now...
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Let's see I got a new job at the rock creek resturant. I've been there for three weeks now it's pritty good, good pay and plenty of room for advancement. I'm the appitizer cook there. There about 13 app's I have to know and serve quickly. It's not that hard alot are easy stuff like nacho's and chessy fries. But then we got oyster's with...
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I'm feeling better today. I went to school then work. I just gotta keep going or I will shut down. The sad thing is I can't get to the gym until wensday. Plus I got a PT test this weekend I think. If I do then I don't think I will pass. I'v been letting go lately. But come wensday I'm hitting the gym hard.

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kiss you!

kiss you!
I recognized you as soon as I got the request. I've been alright, really busy though. How about youself; How have you been?
Today I just finished 19D school (Scout school). This school teaches you the ability to recon, call for fire, maintain and operate a Bradley fighting vehicle (BFV). It was a month long, split into two phases. Phase one and phase two. The first phase was standard basic training stuff like map reading, operate night vision, survive a chemical or biological attack, identifie american and foreign...
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