i have tried a few times to load pics to blog from the Summer Splatter Party in Baltimore that was invited by Cheshire_ which I have had the pleasure of hanging out with several times. I finally got to meet DeDe. both great people, check their sets out here and they do have sets coming out middle of the month. The event was a release party for Coffin Cuties and PlayNerd Magazine which both are in this and upcoming mags. Well anyways I WON the raffle,,, I got to be the one to Bleed out, I mean pour the fake blood on the Girls competing in the Bloody T-shirt contest which led into wrestling what an afternoon and evening. I am going to try to load pics again, Hope they don't upset anyone here,it was stage blood,and yes it was a first for me,seen a lot of T-shirt contests before...


I went to add another one and where the img# is "this webpage is Google emblem chrome" popped up like when I tried before luckily it let me add what already uploaded. anybody know what that means and /or how to add pics/video when that happens.
That... is... sexy. Gorgeous women. Looks like you had a blast.