Finished the job here in St.Louis.what was first going to be a 2 to 3 day job went to one day then 2 days. off the rest of the week as of right now. Shower eat then crash out... when I wake will pack up and head home, would of liked to got home tonight but don't feel up to a 12 hour drive,,,better to be safe than sorry...
More Blogs
Wednesday May 16, 2012
I just looked at a set and totally loved it and hope to see many mor… -
Tuesday May 15, 2012
First day off since starting this job in Pittsburgh, Only got the da… -
Friday May 04, 2012
Arrived a little bit ago in Pittsburgh, Pa. Work for 8 weeks+-. won'… -
Wednesday Apr 25, 2012
Anyone know how to make /change my user pic, I do like the art that'… -
Sunday Apr 22, 2012
Good morning to all. Just finished another 12 hour shift and gonna b… -
Thursday Apr 19, 2012
Was a long 27 hours,up yesterday at 5am, worked 7.5 hrs off 4 then 1… -
Monday Apr 16, 2012
Working in Athens Georgia for the next week. Wondering if I know anyo…
Hope your doing well.