Finished the job here in St.Louis.what was first going to be a 2 to 3 day job went to one day then 2 days. off the rest of the week as of right now. Shower eat then crash out... when I wake will pack up and head home, would of liked to got home tonight but don't feel up to a 12 hour drive,,,better to be safe than sorry...
More Blogs
Saturday Sep 15, 2012
i deleted my facebook account for now.tired of the drama. -
Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
don't even know why I try anymore. one let down after another. just t… -
Wednesday Aug 15, 2012
I am back in St. Louis for about a week,hopefully this trip I will be… -
Thursday Aug 09, 2012
Just heard that after tonight's 6pm to 6 am shift I just might have a… -
Wednesday Jul 18, 2012
Happy hump day to all. 3 down and 3 to go for me this week. Hope ever… -
Sunday Jul 15, 2012
just got off work,gonna shower and do a four hour drive and go to a f… -
Saturday Jul 07, 2012
Saturday afternoon and trying to get ready to head to Richmond,Va. fo… -
Monday Jul 02, 2012
monday evening and a whole week off still, job in Richmond was delaye… -
Sunday Jun 24, 2012
Lazy Sunday afternoon, go to Asheville N.C. and drop my dog Daisy at …
Hope your doing well.