Finished the job here in St.Louis.what was first going to be a 2 to 3 day job went to one day then 2 days. off the rest of the week as of right now. Shower eat then crash out... when I wake will pack up and head home, would of liked to got home tonight but don't feel up to a 12 hour drive,,,better to be safe than sorry...
More Blogs
Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
Finished the job here in Chesapeake,Va. Time to close my eyes 3:30 wa… -
Friday Dec 07, 2012
been a long week, Woke up in Richmond,Va this morning at 4 and drove … -
Sunday Dec 02, 2012
I made it to CandraLee calendar release last night and had a good tim… -
Tuesday Nov 20, 2012
I am sharing this from Candralee blog. I am going to do my best to ma… -
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Looks like gonna be done around lunch tomorrow and be off til Monday … -
Sunday Nov 11, 2012
Hope everyone had a GREAT weekend.Just got back in Richmond,Va. for a… -
Tuesday Nov 06, 2012
still bummed out about my facebook account being hacked and someone p… -
Saturday Nov 03, 2012
A great set needs some loveDeDE pink tractor. DeDE and I would like t… -
Saturday Nov 03, 2012
Have the day off here in Richmond, Va. not sure what to do, if anythi…
Hope your doing well.