Unfortunately I have epilepsy. I've had it since I was 3 years old. I'm now 31. From age 20 to 27 I was seizure free. They came back which sucks. My last relationship was from age 24 to 26. Didn't work out but thats another story. I was living in Florida at the time. I'm now back in ohio since age 26. I've not been in a relationship since then. I'm also not working do to doctors orders and I'm on disability. It sucks having seizures. I find it hard to flirt with girls when I'm out at a bar or club. I'm shy and doesn't work out sometimes. I've had a few matches on dating sites but no luck. We match and eventually my current situation comes up in conversation. She'll ask where I work. It's embarrassing to tell a girl im not working let alone not driving. Also that I still live at home. When I have a seizure anything can happen. I stopped breathing before. It's really a downer not being in a relationship. I often feel I'll be alone the rest of my life. I'd like to get married and have kids someday. I feel like I'm behind in life. I'd really appreciate some tips, help, comments or anything.
Thanks @medusaw appreciate it!
Hope You'll have a fine start into the upcoming weekend <3