I went to the warped tour in Chicago and on the warped tour site they said chicago is there biggest draw...
It actually made me sort of angry. I thought if we are there biggest draw then why is it that we get fucked
over so much? (Fuckers) Really it pissed me off that all the big bands on a routine basis skip Chicago...how
does warped tour even allow that shit if chicago is there meal ticket? Flogging Molly the usual fucking
offenders (They skipped chicago this year and last year fuckers) (used skipped chicago) (for the record
the used sang like shit recently when the opened for Korn so "fuck them") And also this year Rev payton
and his big dam band skipped chicago warped tour...(Honestly isn't that bullshit?) The city that provides the
most for you and they get fucked over the most? How does that even make sense? Oh and to add insult to
injury Flogging Molly had the nerve to have a Merch tent at the chicago show dispite them not being there...
I talked to the guy working the merch tent...I said dude isn't that messed up? How does them having a merch
tent here make sense? He goes money...money for them....but fuck the fans? Ok sure that makes sense..
It actually made me sort of angry. I thought if we are there biggest draw then why is it that we get fucked
over so much? (Fuckers) Really it pissed me off that all the big bands on a routine basis skip Chicago...how
does warped tour even allow that shit if chicago is there meal ticket? Flogging Molly the usual fucking
offenders (They skipped chicago this year and last year fuckers) (used skipped chicago) (for the record
the used sang like shit recently when the opened for Korn so "fuck them") And also this year Rev payton
and his big dam band skipped chicago warped tour...(Honestly isn't that bullshit?) The city that provides the
most for you and they get fucked over the most? How does that even make sense? Oh and to add insult to
injury Flogging Molly had the nerve to have a Merch tent at the chicago show dispite them not being there...
I talked to the guy working the merch tent...I said dude isn't that messed up? How does them having a merch
tent here make sense? He goes money...money for them....but fuck the fans? Ok sure that makes sense..