I went to a co-workers going away party and It was not the most favorable circumstances for the co-worker.
I understood that it sucked to be in that position and it may have not been fair. I also know from a management
prospective that sometimes decisions are made that aren't the best decisions and should not be taken
personal. (I know that is very hard) And sometimes maybe not possible. so anyway It was one of those
situations and honestly I know I could not change the situation but I hoped to at least make it suck less than
it did. My co-worker anyway said I made there job easier and helped them laugh when many people doing our
job couldn't. I really appreciated hearing that and was glad that I made someones life easier. I think of work
like ok it can suck and maybe I don't want to do it....maybe I wish a bucket of money would just land in my lapp
and I would not work anymore. ...But since that has not yet happened than I need to do my
job and i don't have to be super serious about it...I feel like as long as we get done what we need to get done
then it's totally fine to have fun and joke about it..When things don't go so perfectly I might get angry sometimes
and express that ...Hey this is bullshit and it shouldn't of happen! It did now we have to deal with it let's not
have it happen again. That's just my thoughts at work...I know a lot of people like that about me I guess it's just
good to hear it's appreciated sometimes....I still remember my first boss and she said we want people to make
a lot of mistakes..I thought why would that be? If you make a lot of mistakes and learn from every one of them
than you can pass that on and be that much better at what your doing? I think that is true.
I understood that it sucked to be in that position and it may have not been fair. I also know from a management
prospective that sometimes decisions are made that aren't the best decisions and should not be taken
personal. (I know that is very hard) And sometimes maybe not possible. so anyway It was one of those
situations and honestly I know I could not change the situation but I hoped to at least make it suck less than
it did. My co-worker anyway said I made there job easier and helped them laugh when many people doing our
job couldn't. I really appreciated hearing that and was glad that I made someones life easier. I think of work
like ok it can suck and maybe I don't want to do it....maybe I wish a bucket of money would just land in my lapp
and I would not work anymore. ...But since that has not yet happened than I need to do my
job and i don't have to be super serious about it...I feel like as long as we get done what we need to get done
then it's totally fine to have fun and joke about it..When things don't go so perfectly I might get angry sometimes
and express that ...Hey this is bullshit and it shouldn't of happen! It did now we have to deal with it let's not
have it happen again. That's just my thoughts at work...I know a lot of people like that about me I guess it's just
good to hear it's appreciated sometimes....I still remember my first boss and she said we want people to make
a lot of mistakes..I thought why would that be? If you make a lot of mistakes and learn from every one of them
than you can pass that on and be that much better at what your doing? I think that is true.