Iam sitting here listening to the new Counting crows album. If you have not checked it out I would say go get it.
Iam a little disapointed that I will not get to see them in concert. I got the pre-sale password and everything but there was no way iam sitting stage right. Sometimes you get the pre-sale password and you could still get shit tickets.
I just won't do the "i'am paying money and getting shit tickets deal" I did that one time when I seen Green Day ...
Iam a big fan of Green day but I had shit tickets and I thought well iam such a fan the seats won't matter...Wrong! The concert was very bad because I had shit tickets... From then on I have mostly good tickets to any concert I go to Or I won't go.
If i click and see balcony or stage right left or anywhere accept a good seat fuck it iam not going! I really just wanted to stay home and watch tv but i went to work. It was not bad but it was not great...
I guess the only real thing that I find aggervating sometimes is You tell someone who asks you where to go ....
The answer is you can only go one way! Being that is the case that you can only go one way the question
where do i go after being explained gets real old real fast. I told this guy three times where to go and the 3rd
time I was thinking how can you be that dumb...How did you make it all these years when your that dumb?
only one direction to go and your going to ask me 3 times?
Iam a little disapointed that I will not get to see them in concert. I got the pre-sale password and everything but there was no way iam sitting stage right. Sometimes you get the pre-sale password and you could still get shit tickets.
I just won't do the "i'am paying money and getting shit tickets deal" I did that one time when I seen Green Day ...
Iam a big fan of Green day but I had shit tickets and I thought well iam such a fan the seats won't matter...Wrong! The concert was very bad because I had shit tickets... From then on I have mostly good tickets to any concert I go to Or I won't go.
If i click and see balcony or stage right left or anywhere accept a good seat fuck it iam not going! I really just wanted to stay home and watch tv but i went to work. It was not bad but it was not great...
I guess the only real thing that I find aggervating sometimes is You tell someone who asks you where to go ....
The answer is you can only go one way! Being that is the case that you can only go one way the question
where do i go after being explained gets real old real fast. I told this guy three times where to go and the 3rd
time I was thinking how can you be that dumb...How did you make it all these years when your that dumb?
only one direction to go and your going to ask me 3 times?