I was looking at the hopeful sections and I wondered why is there a hopefuls section in the first place?
Iam not against it or anything but I really don't get the purpose of it. It seems like the site is saying we don't like
these pics for whatever reason so we'll put them in the Hopefuls section...And then what gets accomplished?
Iam not going to name names or anything but man I came across an extra extra lame post by a SG member.
It was really pathetic and sad and the guy should just put a neon sign on his head that says iam lame.
Don't you hate being at work when a half naked women comes up to ask you something and you have to try
not to look. I really hate that....(I look everytime so iam not so good at not looking) I even saw this one woman
she was wearing a really low cut top and her tits were juttting out and fuck you I was looking.. she turned
the other way and I thought to myself really did she expect no one to look at her tits...I didn't really care what
she thought actually. The only other thing that happens to me quite frequently especially in the summer...
ill see some amazing nice looking practically naked woman coming my way and someone who is like 103 and
takes 10 min to think about what they were going to ask you interrupts or otherwise blocks me from
enjoying the amazingly practically naked woman.
I also thought of getting an I-phone when several people i know suggested that I should "just get it for free"
"get it as a gift is the best way" I decided this was a great idea however sadly amazon.com does not offer
the I-phone..So I Cannot add it to a wishlist and then say hey some rich person dying to get me an I-phone
just do it ...because you can....
Iam not against it or anything but I really don't get the purpose of it. It seems like the site is saying we don't like
these pics for whatever reason so we'll put them in the Hopefuls section...And then what gets accomplished?
Iam not going to name names or anything but man I came across an extra extra lame post by a SG member.
It was really pathetic and sad and the guy should just put a neon sign on his head that says iam lame.
Don't you hate being at work when a half naked women comes up to ask you something and you have to try
not to look. I really hate that....(I look everytime so iam not so good at not looking) I even saw this one woman
she was wearing a really low cut top and her tits were juttting out and fuck you I was looking.. she turned
the other way and I thought to myself really did she expect no one to look at her tits...I didn't really care what
she thought actually. The only other thing that happens to me quite frequently especially in the summer...
ill see some amazing nice looking practically naked woman coming my way and someone who is like 103 and
takes 10 min to think about what they were going to ask you interrupts or otherwise blocks me from
enjoying the amazingly practically naked woman.
I also thought of getting an I-phone when several people i know suggested that I should "just get it for free"
"get it as a gift is the best way" I decided this was a great idea however sadly amazon.com does not offer
the I-phone..So I Cannot add it to a wishlist and then say hey some rich person dying to get me an I-phone
just do it ...because you can....
and yes i was speaking of a boyfriend.
the relationship is weird now. we not so sure where things are going. things'll get figured out though.