I think Sg should eliminate similar Names.....there should not be 522 cinnamons.....sinnamon,Cinnamon1, etc or 522 Shannons etc because it makes it quite difficult for you to find cinnamon if sinnamon also exist and further complicating the issue especially if your following over from Facebook most of the pictures posted on Facebook don't match the profile picture of the person they are featuring......example your trying to...
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I see it in the SG Facebook page guys who are supposedly fans....going on the page acting like they work as a part time sidewalk preacher! Talking about why is that girl on the site still? She has a boyfriend! Or saying that one is a porn Star! Like excuse me Mr side walk preacher....who invited you over here? Nobody! Take your ass back to...
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Fire the it guy!!! He lost my picture and one notification. What is this twitter now? Followers? What the hell? If it's not broken don't fix it
My first thought is.....I don't like it! Change is bad who said change is good...my profile picture changed itself and also I lost a potential friend because I deleted the email notification because I assumed it would be safely stored on my profile page....nope...not happy
public place wearing super dark sunglasses ...so dark that you could not even tell there were eyes behind
the glasses in the first place let alone the color of there eyes or shape..Also the same person wore a dark
baseball cap black leather jacket and a hoodie on top...
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have i mentioned that I love your Capt. Caveman picture???