Watched "Angels and Demons" for lack of anything better to watch (or re-watch) and I was disappointed that I threw the time away. I would have been better spent doing pretty much anything else. Garbage.
Did you finish the book?
"The Child Thief" was not a good book. Skip it.

I've moved on to "The Time Traveler's Wife". So far, it's superbly written and surprisingly compelling.

I've decided I want to be a SG photographer. I need a beautiful alt girl who will take her clothes off for me. Any takers?
Absolutely. I would be honored.
Sometimes, when I'm trying to fall asleep, I'll close my eyes and imagine that I'm somewhere else. Usually, this other place is somewhere you'd never imagine sleeping - somewhere dangerous or uncomfortable like a battlefield or on the harsh cliffs of a tall mountain. And that by itself would seem like a ridiculous way to try to fall asleep, but in my imagination, I've always...
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Awww, I feel the same way love! wink kiss kiss
Come October, I'm going to be off of work for 3 months. Those 3 months are going to be split between bonding with my son and finishing my novel. I'd also like to do a bit of light traveling so if anyone wants a visit, let me know!
LOL :biggrinbiggrin:biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin
A lamp ....cute!!!
A friend in needs a friend indeed, a friend with weed is better,
A friend with breasts and all the rest,
A friend who's dressed in leather.

A friend in needs a friend indeed, a friend who'll tease is better ,
Our thoughts compressed,
Which makes us blessed,
And makes for stormy weather.

A friend in needs a friend indeed, my Japanese is better,
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silk and satin
leather and lace

black panties
with an angels face

lol not as good as yours but I try
So a thousand years from now, mankind is on the brink of extinction. Pockets of humanity survive in shelters which, through the use of advanced technologies, keep them alive and out of the increasingly hostile environment on the surface of the earth. But it isn't enough and all of the technology in the world can't change the fact that in only a few generations, humanity...
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I wish I knew more people who preached the bible as fact and the true word of God. I'd ask them: If the Bible is the word of God handed down to us from heaven and contains his Wisdom - why don't we keep discovering new truths in it as we gain knowledge about the world? Isn't it strange that God seemed to tailor His...
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The diameter of the earth is 12,742 kilometers. The earth is 150 million kilometers from the sun. The Oort cloud of comets which marks the outer rim of our solar system extends to 30 trillion kilometers from the sun. The next closest star to ours is Proxima Centauri - 40 trillion kilometers away, There are between 200 and 400 billion other stars in our galaxy....
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Interesting perspective smile