It hasn't stopped raining down here is Orlando all week long. It blows having to bike everywhere with a change of fucking cloths. Apparently Hurricane season is right around the corner. So for you Floridians that have been down here long enough to help out a hurricane virgin feel free to come save my aerodynamic ass.
Classes are going alright. I can't believe I am back in a room full of 90 some odd people. The class is Media in Society and its goal is to tell us all how to be money-hungry, self-absorbed plagiarists and keep on rehashing what has already worked. Fuck originality. A brilliant mind always scared people anyway.
I can't wait till this one is over.
Classes are going alright. I can't believe I am back in a room full of 90 some odd people. The class is Media in Society and its goal is to tell us all how to be money-hungry, self-absorbed plagiarists and keep on rehashing what has already worked. Fuck originality. A brilliant mind always scared people anyway.
I can't wait till this one is over.

glad you stopped by to say hey!!