After a year of exile I am back in the SG community. I missed you all (some more than others). It's good to be back and I hope all my old friends find me. New friends can find me too, you're allowed. I don't really have much to say right now. My next journal entry will be far more informative. ROCK OUT!
More Blogs
Sunday Jun 26, 2005
Read More -
Monday Jun 20, 2005
There was a mysterious bouquet of wild flowers sitting at my doorstep… -
Sunday Jun 19, 2005
What a beautiful Sunday the sunshine state brings us today. I think … -
Saturday Jun 18, 2005
Hahahahaha. Friendster! Come be a Friendamaniac! Here's to randumb … -
Wednesday Jun 15, 2005
I'm totally crushing on this girl from class. What the fuck am I goi… -
Friday Jun 03, 2005
It hasn't stopped raining down here is Orlando all week long. It blo… -
Sunday May 29, 2005
So I don't really have anything going on in my life. Classes at Full… -
Saturday May 21, 2005
I just watched 4 Rooms for the first time in a while. I had almost f… -
Sunday May 08, 2005
So why does New Jersey have to be so far away? This is where you… -
Friday Mar 18, 2005
Spring break in a week? and no wear to go.