So I don't have a crazy amount of news right now! I want to do somewhat more regular blogs on here though.. I feel they may get more attention that way! I did buy myself a set for doing dabs! I still honestly like regular old weed better.. but this is fun to have around! ... Nothing beats the old bong!
We played our show with Mansbridge. I blogged about the show before it actually happened. We did quite a good set. Mansbridge brought Jon Creeden along. I love Jon. As a person and as a musician. Here's a link to his website!
Jon Creeden's Webpage!!
I only have one picture from our set right now! My amazing gf took a bunch, but we have been lazy about getting them to me. We are both really busy with work etc! Here isthe one pic though! It's of me!
My amazing gf also ordered me some rad vinyl from Germany. Even though it's a Vancouver band. Europe got these releases first.. and as a collector I totally wanted the European first pressings. She's so rad she hunted them down for me. I love her. So much! :)
Lastly I managed to get my new Bishops Green patch sewn onto my vest pretty much right away!
That's all for now! See ya in the pit!
xoxo, Dave