Good day lovers! I was sick AF yesterday.. woke up and just power puked and slept most of the day. I spent my awake time recovering a shit ton of lost music.. I dropped my portable hard drive the other day and lost just over 400 gigs of music.. A collection starting in 1920.. ANYWAY! I have kind of been recovering music and stuff in most of my free time for the entire last week. So yesterday I did not venture far from my couch and I spent a lot of time updating my pages, and my band's page. I posted a link to a half hour set in the blog previous, go check it out!
So I just recently learned that to actually get pictures off instagram to show up on the SG Page you have to hashtag SG. I feel a little strange doing that on pictures that just really do not have anything to do with this site.. Not to mention the fact that when I have it doesn't work, so.. whatever, I guess. I haven't worked since November of 2014. I am perfectly okay with it. I usually get contracts more commonly than this.. but the economy this year is slow. I made enough money last year that I have EI and some savings. I also live pretty frugal and just hang out playing guitar, reading comics, fishing, hunting, going to the gym.. I try to keep hobbies that have skills and improve myself and my brain power (mostly). So here are some pictures of my life recently! Hope you enjoy, and to hear all about the show my band opened for DOA check out the blog from a few days ago!
See ya in the pit!