Ice age heat wave
So tongiht has been weird for me. I dont really know why but it just has been. Not like "oh im sad" or "or im depressed" just weird. The stress of work is almost 0. I mean i dont like waking up at 11 but i dont complain. With dillards everynight i was regreting waking up the next day because i knew id have work.
With working less, i know can work out and play tennis more which makes me happy. My self esteem isnt to great but working out always seems to help. Im doing it pretty regular so im feelin good about my self.
My birthday is in 13 days. I dunno what i got planned but if you wanna make plans make them now.
Jimmy Eat World trip comming soon, hopfully work will give me the 30th and 31st off
My sleep is still royaly fucked up as you may be abel to tell by this 545am blog but i dont mind
So me and brenna are working on a website right now you should check us out,go to the bottom of this to see it
and im gonna write a cd review now
g'night and leave me a comment please i never get comment on these and if i do its always the same ppl and i respect yall for doing so