May 15th, 2011? For real, i haven't been on here in that long? Well, lets suffice to say i've been super busy. I would say i've been well. Generally things have been good, maybe a little crazy at times, and apparently confusing to some (ladies, whats going on with you? Seriously?), but all and all things are good, and productive. Putting aside the quasi bitter and not entirely heartfelt words within the above parenthesis(i really can be a hard to read sometimes, in all fairness) i have been working like crazy, and doing a whole bunch of drawings and paintings and the likes. Its been a good time, and i'll have to finish some stuff up and post it here as i hope you will enjoy the crazy shit that comes out of my head sometimes. It will be good times.
In the meanwhile, i see there are still many naked ladies here, so thats good. Naked, or "nekid" ladies should be plentiful, and roaming free across the vast uncharted internets. They should also be most places i find myself during my daily life, but society seems to have a ways to go before i'll expect to see some suggestive hiney at the coffee stop or the grocery store. And i suppose i wouldn't get much done in that world anyways. Perhaps that sounds a tad chauvinistic, but i digress, not the intent. So how have you all been? Stories, adventures?

In the meanwhile, i see there are still many naked ladies here, so thats good. Naked, or "nekid" ladies should be plentiful, and roaming free across the vast uncharted internets. They should also be most places i find myself during my daily life, but society seems to have a ways to go before i'll expect to see some suggestive hiney at the coffee stop or the grocery store. And i suppose i wouldn't get much done in that world anyways. Perhaps that sounds a tad chauvinistic, but i digress, not the intent. So how have you all been? Stories, adventures?