My my, so much for posting again sometime soon. Honestly, its just been few and far between that i get on here for more than a minute or two. That, and being super busy at the shop, and at home. But this is not a complaint, ...oh no no no. I super happy in fact. Happy to be doing what i love for a living, and to be busy doing it. Theres a lot of people out there guys and gals.....who dont have it so well, as to have it well at all. Appreciate what you have.
Phoenix, the little lady is as wonderful as ever. Being a dog of good nature and training, those of you who know her would expect nothing less haha. Though i will admit, the winter months have caught up, and she's got a few extra pounds to shed. Summers coming, after all.
The shop is rockin. Part of the gang is probably wrapping things up right about now in NYC at the Roseland convention. Hopefully this rain doesnt keep the ride home from being a quick one. Next show should be in the summer, where me and Jen can cause a ruckus(all in good fun of course).New floors are in, though i may have said that in an earlier post? Oh well. Now i've just got to keep up with drawings, and keep on top of new things coming in. Making the switch to a Mac is definitely paying off in the "keeping organized and on top of shit" department, so im glad i tackled that. Plus, the MBP is an awesome machine. If you need a notebook for work, this is the way to go, seriously. Thats coming from a kid with A LOT of microsoft training from once apon a time. Though the Xbox is still the best console, so no beef there.
But seriously, i've got a ton of shit to do this week, and im really looking forward to just mellowing out for a little bit right now. Hope all is well guys and gals. Catch up again soon.
I miss you wooly bully


Thats the thing about winter, I just tell people that my dog Romy has her 'winter coat'. Invested in an xbox 360, the gifts that keeps on giving!

Gorgeous work. It's always nice to see someone be great at doing what they love.