I worked a twenty hour day saturday, slept for four, and woke up at 8 to work again today. The old shop is closed and empty now. The new shop is almost all set up. I love it! Im so excited! Tomorrow we finish setting up, and get our health inspection. Tuesday morning we open again. Fuckin tits! Then i have my first day off since LAST saturday on thurs.
I stoped seeing that crazy stripper. I stoped smoking pot. Im getting back on track, and remembering what i should be putting myself into....... Whats really important to me.I've been eating right again, and cooking alot more. I made jill some cajun steak and wild rice the other night out of some last minute shit i found in my kitchen. I forgot how much i love the social aspect of cooking and eating, and how much i love the personal aspects of creating flavors and meals like that. The secret ingredient, by the way, is honey. It compliments the spices very well, and creates one of those interesting flavors that tease the palate. Heather and dante stoped over and had some. Dante hasnt even eaten meat in years. BAM!
I had to wake up at seven to drive jill back to the bar she left her car at the night before. I got to bed that night around four. I wasnt cranky at all. I was so happy. I've been waking up early alot more since then. Its nice to have the extra time to tackle the day. She makes me the person i know i can be. I've been getting so much more done, and been so much more happy. Its been too cold, but its getting warmer...and im remembering what kind of guy i can be when im not so bummed about the winter. I have a clock tattooed on my foot. Both hands are the same, and people always ask me what time its supposed to be. I tell them its not about running out the clock, its about living. Then i smile and wait to see if they understand. Do you?
Im going to go make chicken tacos and work on the shops website instead of bumming around with my less inspired buddies.
I stoped seeing that crazy stripper. I stoped smoking pot. Im getting back on track, and remembering what i should be putting myself into....... Whats really important to me.I've been eating right again, and cooking alot more. I made jill some cajun steak and wild rice the other night out of some last minute shit i found in my kitchen. I forgot how much i love the social aspect of cooking and eating, and how much i love the personal aspects of creating flavors and meals like that. The secret ingredient, by the way, is honey. It compliments the spices very well, and creates one of those interesting flavors that tease the palate. Heather and dante stoped over and had some. Dante hasnt even eaten meat in years. BAM!
I had to wake up at seven to drive jill back to the bar she left her car at the night before. I got to bed that night around four. I wasnt cranky at all. I was so happy. I've been waking up early alot more since then. Its nice to have the extra time to tackle the day. She makes me the person i know i can be. I've been getting so much more done, and been so much more happy. Its been too cold, but its getting warmer...and im remembering what kind of guy i can be when im not so bummed about the winter. I have a clock tattooed on my foot. Both hands are the same, and people always ask me what time its supposed to be. I tell them its not about running out the clock, its about living. Then i smile and wait to see if they understand. Do you?

Im going to go make chicken tacos and work on the shops website instead of bumming around with my less inspired buddies.
Thank you