life eh. Though ever greatful, i have been left very tired lately. Its cold here, and grey. Its crushing. Also, i have been putting myself in alot of stupid situations in my romantic life. Its ok though, i will of course push anyone and everyone away before it gets crazy. Infact, i will push them away right about the time its starts going good, or anywhere. I spent christmass alone this year. By choice, and i think that may have been kinda fucked up of me. I just really havent wanted to see anyone familiar lately. I think im isolating myself in an unhealthy way. If i go mad scientist shut in one day, i hope i have at least one monkey in my lab. Also, i hope it ends with me accidentally getting super powers, i hope they are cool, and they dont deform me.
Work has been very nice, ish. Doing alot of great and enjoyable work. Some real cool custom shazzle for some really cool doods and doodettes. If i was smart i would spend less time driving myself crazy, and more time posting up pictures. Although, i have think im starting to have a crush if you will, on a customer. She and i have spoken online for a little while now, and she dropper her number to me last night. She came to the shop today and was super cute and approchable. She bit my finger when i was taking out a lip captive for her, and told me she just had to. I of course, melted from the smile and "sad puppy" look that followed. She hung around for a while and we chatted in the cold outside, and i told her to call me if she was around tonight, She gave me a hug and left. I of course, ruined that the minute i got home and talked to her tonight. She was fucking adorable too. Really cool even. I would like to tell myself it was because i tend to make it a point not to date a client. But i am sometimes a failure, never a liar.
My dog is super soft though, and her and hot sake take the edge off all this, making it viewable as something i should be learning from, and not feeling bad over. So, ive been pretty tired lately. Also, i need less xbox, and more painting time in my life, i need to quit smoking, and get out more. New years is just around the corner, and i have bog plans for this year.
Work has been very nice, ish. Doing alot of great and enjoyable work. Some real cool custom shazzle for some really cool doods and doodettes. If i was smart i would spend less time driving myself crazy, and more time posting up pictures. Although, i have think im starting to have a crush if you will, on a customer. She and i have spoken online for a little while now, and she dropper her number to me last night. She came to the shop today and was super cute and approchable. She bit my finger when i was taking out a lip captive for her, and told me she just had to. I of course, melted from the smile and "sad puppy" look that followed. She hung around for a while and we chatted in the cold outside, and i told her to call me if she was around tonight, She gave me a hug and left. I of course, ruined that the minute i got home and talked to her tonight. She was fucking adorable too. Really cool even. I would like to tell myself it was because i tend to make it a point not to date a client. But i am sometimes a failure, never a liar.
My dog is super soft though, and her and hot sake take the edge off all this, making it viewable as something i should be learning from, and not feeling bad over. So, ive been pretty tired lately. Also, i need less xbox, and more painting time in my life, i need to quit smoking, and get out more. New years is just around the corner, and i have bog plans for this year.