i am trying to make some major changes in my life right now. Problem bieng i have little time, and little energy left when i find the time. I also feel like shit half the time. But the world isnt going to wait for me now is it? i dont have any very cool tattoos to do this week, just "stuff"....bummer. Im going to the midnight showing of the simpsons movie tonight....not a bummer. I told someone they werent worth it today, and had like 4 ciggarettes....both a bummer and not a bummer at the same time. I miss smoking everyday. Its was nice. I want another one right now but im trying not to fall back into that. Im bored, kinda. Like im waiting for something thats not comeing.
P.s. was it always like this?
I hope im in a better way by winter. Its real easy to get depressed and lonely in the cold. I need to get things done while im up to it.
P.s. was it always like this?
I hope im in a better way by winter. Its real easy to get depressed and lonely in the cold. I need to get things done while im up to it.
thats the best idea I have heard so far.