So on Fridays I volunteer at this elementary school for a few hours, and these kids make better company than a lot of people I know. A lot of people I know suck. Today a boy asked if I would be his Valentine, and I told him it wasn't Valentine's Day, and he said if he waited until Valentine's day I might already have a Valentine. Mad cute.
And today I had lunch with my mom and we were accidentally wearing matching sweaters. More cuteness.
This is too much, right? I'm going to bake a red velvet cake today, and I'm going to buy a box of fat pencils for next Friday. Kids need fat pencils with good erasers.
And today I had lunch with my mom and we were accidentally wearing matching sweaters. More cuteness.
This is too much, right? I'm going to bake a red velvet cake today, and I'm going to buy a box of fat pencils for next Friday. Kids need fat pencils with good erasers.