Tuesday Oct 19, 2004 Oct 19, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email I am clumsy, and I've just lost a batch of cookies. Dropped 'em. The five-second rule does not apply here. They're just plain unsalvageable. VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS mister_x: they are extra unsalvageable if they land with the still liquid chocolate chip side facing down which thay usually always do. [Edited on Oct 20, 2004 1:00PM] Oct 20, 2004 barcosbarcos: the other day i had a bannana, and it got all mushy. i still tried to eat it, but then a large chunk fell off my banana. you really can't salvage a fallen mushy banana. it mostly sucked harsh cuz i was damn hungry. damn damn damn hungry Oct 20, 2004
[Edited on Oct 20, 2004 1:00PM]