Dear Unnamed Friend,
I hate you. You're stupid.
And here's a sad confession: among my greatest fears is that of becoming you. That'll never happen, though, or I'll kill myself first. I'm not going to be a fucking scared little girl and depend on a man to define me, protect me, be the source of my self-worth, or lack thereof. I hate, hate, HATE that you've accepted this as who you are. This isn't who you are, because I fucking know you, or thought I did, and I'd love it if you'd quit playing dumb and reclaim an opinion of your own, or two please. In addition, I hate having been witness to the dehumanizing back and forth shit-slinging-fests that YOU consider a regular, even necessary, component of a relationship. I hate that the next day, you're handsome and bootiful [
] again, and nothing's ever fixed, and nothing's ever talked about. "Healthy, loving relationship" MY FUCKING ASS. I hate that you KNOW that all you two do is make the other feel like a worthless piece of shit, just enough to have each other hanging on, until one or the other will apologize, and you'll stroke his fragile ego while he validates your existence, because OH NO, you couldn't even begin to imagine doing THAT on your own. You fucking disgust me.
You told me once [and it's silly of me to remember] that you couldn't remember the last time you opened a door on your own.
... had to get that out somewhere.
This seems a little weird following my previous entry.
I hate you. You're stupid.
And here's a sad confession: among my greatest fears is that of becoming you. That'll never happen, though, or I'll kill myself first. I'm not going to be a fucking scared little girl and depend on a man to define me, protect me, be the source of my self-worth, or lack thereof. I hate, hate, HATE that you've accepted this as who you are. This isn't who you are, because I fucking know you, or thought I did, and I'd love it if you'd quit playing dumb and reclaim an opinion of your own, or two please. In addition, I hate having been witness to the dehumanizing back and forth shit-slinging-fests that YOU consider a regular, even necessary, component of a relationship. I hate that the next day, you're handsome and bootiful [

You told me once [and it's silly of me to remember] that you couldn't remember the last time you opened a door on your own.
... had to get that out somewhere.
This seems a little weird following my previous entry.