off to work. it most likely is gonna be a boring day. i really hope my 3rd eye wound closes fast. I really want to get it redone the right way.

its ironic that the microdermal that was to represent my education and enlightenment was done incorrectly under my instruction.... FLM
im gonna start learning genital piercings soon, nervous and excited.

my flickr photostream. i finally took a few pics worth sharing.
I noticed in your flicker that you went to Vegas!! I want to go to Vegas!!! eeek
yes, we went to the Association of Professional Piercers conference. cause we're BA
appointment set. june 11th. tattoo all day avett bros concert all night. HELL YES

also i posted a couple new pics
i am hoping to discuss getting this tattooed on my thigh with in the next couple months when i go to roanoke today. exciting.

This weekend has sucked.

Im so ready for a break.... to bad I cant take a break from life. my head and heart hurt
After Being provoked to post a blog on here I believe its time to give in.

Today i started work on some plugs that will push my limits as an artist. First off, its a new wood and I am not comfortable with its makeup. Its very very dense and doest not cut easily. Second and definitely the scariest is the words that need to...
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Wonder who provoked you? biggrin

I didn't know you made plugs. That's pretty cool.
Here's to pushing that limit and getting it right the first time! (: