life lately has been strange. it seems that i can really only have a few good things going for me at a time. i have been busy piercing and i have my new car. Thats good. I had to put heather the girl i recently stopped dating on a buss to florida to live with her grandfather because she had no where to live here. the people i live with wouldnt allow her to stay with me long term. so i took her to the buss stop and hugged her and kissed her on the forehead and cheek and told her bye, the whole time holding back tears. Im not good at that. I just didnt want her to be any more upset than she was. we've been friends for a while now and have gotten very very close. i have very quickly grown to love her and her friendship. but i "like" her a loooot as well. such is life.
sunday is gonna be a bit rough i imagine. Im working till 7 and then most likely going home, alone. I asked Alex (my best friend that im a little bit in love with for the last couple years. shes amazing) if she wanted to go to dinner so neither of us would be sitting at home alone sulking. shes got plans. arg.
On a brighter note. i made a shit ton of money last week and if the trend continues this week will follow suite. I love tax season in this industry. though it does bring in some less than awesome clients that act like im a thief for charging what i do for piercing. arg. *punches dumb people in the forehead*
Also i got new plugs and they're fressssssh Gorilla Glass Power Plugs
And a picture of my sleepy butt wearing them
Here' to hoping summer is brighter, happier, and healthier.
heres a pic for laughs
Its a very old star trek shirt that i was telling someone about..... its doesnt fit so well. but its lolz
sunday is gonna be a bit rough i imagine. Im working till 7 and then most likely going home, alone. I asked Alex (my best friend that im a little bit in love with for the last couple years. shes amazing) if she wanted to go to dinner so neither of us would be sitting at home alone sulking. shes got plans. arg.
On a brighter note. i made a shit ton of money last week and if the trend continues this week will follow suite. I love tax season in this industry. though it does bring in some less than awesome clients that act like im a thief for charging what i do for piercing. arg. *punches dumb people in the forehead*
Also i got new plugs and they're fressssssh Gorilla Glass Power Plugs

And a picture of my sleepy butt wearing them

Here' to hoping summer is brighter, happier, and healthier.
heres a pic for laughs
Its a very old star trek shirt that i was telling someone about..... its doesnt fit so well. but its lolz

you are so cute.