So the girl i was talking to and i ended things last night. while we were talking she had asked me to take some photos of her because she was interested in becoming an SG. She wanted some feed back... opinions please!!
I know the photos arnt great that not what we are worried about here.
Some of them you may have to open them in new windows by copy and pasting the img location due to the width of the SG blog column

Open the Spoiler for the other 15
I know the photos arnt great that not what we are worried about here.
Some of them you may have to open them in new windows by copy and pasting the img location due to the width of the SG blog column

Open the Spoiler for the other 15
We Stopped because it was 20degrees in this building and we were scared she was going to die.
This is my first nudeish set and hers as well so like i said forgive them weak photos.