mtv's "date my mom" -- what. the. fuck. ???!!?!11
so, history channel aired tonight an entertaining and colorful program, "rome: engineering an empire." (anyway, i consider myself a "ancient rome" geek, but i'm probably a mere level 1.) i don't know if it (a two-hours-long show) contains any substantially new material (compared to THC's rome programs past), but it was filled with purrty pictchurrs and gosh durn hawt graphics. check it.
so, history channel aired tonight an entertaining and colorful program, "rome: engineering an empire." (anyway, i consider myself a "ancient rome" geek, but i'm probably a mere level 1.) i don't know if it (a two-hours-long show) contains any substantially new material (compared to THC's rome programs past), but it was filled with purrty pictchurrs and gosh durn hawt graphics. check it.


Hehehehe hanging by a pole.... I just thought that meant you wanted a stripper
Sure as apple pie.