so, i received this via USPS a couple days ago, along with city comforts (which, at first glance, looks to be an excellent read and concise guide to urban design). the high cost of free parking weighs in at 3.2 lbs. and is 1.5" (576 pages) thick. yum yum. and all on the subject of parking.
what are you reading, ladies and gents?
(and, yeah, i spent $60 on free parking, which is equivalent roughly to my take-home pay for an 8-hour day; or about half the cost of upgrading to tiger. i think i can survive... for a little bit, at least

there's a good op-ed piece, "urban myths," by michael mehaffy on planetizen that's worth a read. the title, though hardly creative, is a nice play on randal o'toole's the vanishing automobile and other urban myths in that mehaffy takes o'toole to task for propogating some of his own "myths."
non-planning nerd section of JE:
mood: cool, but disappointed that it's a monday (which means no "x-files" on the tee vee)
now playing on the iPod: eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
current task: browsing teh interweb. and commenting in journals. in fragments.
weather outside: cool night after storm(s) earlier in the day. i dislike rain. it makes things wet.
current want(s): widgets. to see SW ep. III w/out the specter of suckiness looming nearby. *sigh*
let's see. any urban planning books worth checking out .... i've been reading less on planning lately, and more on urban politics. stuff like Regime Politics by Clarence Stone and The Contested City by John Mollenkopf. Another good book is Cities of Tomorrow by Peter Hall - it's a nice history of urban architectural movements. Those are a few I can think of..... Oh, i'd be remiss if i didn't toss in my advisor's book: Democracy and Suburbia by J. Eric Oliver. It's more about political behavior in a suburb, but it ties it to ideas like social space.