Sorry I haven't had much to say lately... trying to get in 8 or 9 hours of work a day, get in the gym, practice with two different bands and promote and market my CD have kept me busy.... then there is shypixie
What a wonderful distraction.... gotta love those late night text messages -- looking forward to drunkin' bowling!!
Think I'm going to head d'town to Factory 324 and hang with all the rock-a-billy punks tonight... hope everyone has a great weekend, oh and BUY MY CD!!!!!!!!

Think I'm going to head d'town to Factory 324 and hang with all the rock-a-billy punks tonight... hope everyone has a great weekend, oh and BUY MY CD!!!!!!!!

I have been very busy as well. Go ahead & send me a banner to put up. Btw- the delay in getting the site up is due to some dumb technical problem with the builder that should be fixed soon.
& I am buying yr cd...Right now... Ok I'm going...