Sorry for the huge delay in keeping this journal up... things have been rough. (Does anyone really care?)
I had a killer sinus infection that lasted much longer than it should have, and ruined a perfectly good weekend at a jazz festival with shypixie Sorry about that...
I've been working very hard on marketing the CD online this week. I have pages at Purevolume.com and...
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I had a killer sinus infection that lasted much longer than it should have, and ruined a perfectly good weekend at a jazz festival with shypixie Sorry about that...
I've been working very hard on marketing the CD online this week. I have pages at Purevolume.com and...
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happy thanksgiving, babe

ok, well, it's 12/4/04, and you must be feeling better by now. i sure hope so! i will check amazon for the cd.
Sorry I haven't had much to say lately... trying to get in 8 or 9 hours of work a day, get in the gym, practice with two different bands and promote and market my CD have kept me busy.... then there is shypixie
What a wonderful distraction.... gotta love those late night text messages -- looking forward to drunkin' bowling!!
Think I'm going to head...
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Think I'm going to head...
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i'm glad you and my little pixie are getting along so well

heyy babeh!
I have been very busy as well. Go ahead & send me a banner to put up. Btw- the delay in getting the site up is due to some dumb technical problem with the builder that should be fixed soon.
& I am buying yr cd...Right now... Ok I'm going...
I have been very busy as well. Go ahead & send me a banner to put up. Btw- the delay in getting the site up is due to some dumb technical problem with the builder that should be fixed soon.
& I am buying yr cd...Right now... Ok I'm going...

Please buy a copy or two... please!!!! You'll like it, I promise!!!!
Wow... what a week!!!
Between the online, fifty-question job interview....
Hand-delivering and mailing my CDs all over the US...
Practicing and gigging with several different bands right now...
And the usual work stuff...
This has been quite a week, but I wouldn't have it any...
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Please buy a copy or two... please!!!! You'll like it, I promise!!!!
Wow... what a week!!!
Between the online, fifty-question job interview....
Hand-delivering and mailing my CDs all over the US...
Practicing and gigging with several different bands right now...
And the usual work stuff...
This has been quite a week, but I wouldn't have it any...
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awww look im your new crush
musta been the heels
and a new name? youve beat me too it, now i may have to get you to help me with mine

and a new name? youve beat me too it, now i may have to get you to help me with mine

gpood luck on work the interview and the music
dont wannabe your monkey wrench *hums*

dont wannabe your monkey wrench *hums*

Happy Friday the friggin' 13th to all you beautiful, creepy people!!!
Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!
BTW: just in case someone out there is interested
My CDs will be in early next week... I should have the online ordering page on my website set up soon after.
Stop by, pull up a chair, listen to some tunes... say "hi"!
Dave Porter Band

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!

BTW: just in case someone out there is interested

Stop by, pull up a chair, listen to some tunes... say "hi"!
Dave Porter Band
hehe, i like how your comment in my journal is all nice and polite and then i check my email and your sending all the dirty stuph there.
sneaky man

sneaky man

hope your day is going well. i spent most of mine staring at a 1quite useless computer thinking that somewhere there was an email just wiating to put a smile on my face and the stupid thing wouldnt help me get to it

CD update:
Looks like I may not have my CDs back from the duplicator for another week!!!
Somebody tell me something fun!
Looks like I may not have my CDs back from the duplicator for another week!!!

Somebody tell me something fun!
hhmmm...so not a creepy stalker guy ehh? well its nice that you come with that disclaimer
and of course good gin and sushi are pretty hi on my list of weaknesses, so ill make a deal with you. you tell me more about yourself so i know for sure your really not a creepy stalker guy or anything else equally scary and maybe ill have to take you up on that offer

and of course good gin and sushi are pretty hi on my list of weaknesses, so ill make a deal with you. you tell me more about yourself so i know for sure your really not a creepy stalker guy or anything else equally scary and maybe ill have to take you up on that offer

you can talk to me on AIM if youd like
Hope everyone has a great weekend... I think I'll get out of town again... anybody seen "Hellboy"? Just curious... hugs & kisses, and all that stuff!
BTW: the beach was great... got in trouble with the lifeguards for swimming too far out past the breakers.... was hoping for something of a thrill like a shark encounter, but it didn't happen. Cheers!
***Edited for one more...
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BTW: the beach was great... got in trouble with the lifeguards for swimming too far out past the breakers.... was hoping for something of a thrill like a shark encounter, but it didn't happen. Cheers!

***Edited for one more...
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plz refer to the new krimso thread, and...
see how my vices says worrying to the point of insanity?? let go and let things happen doenst happen with me. Besides, i feel its important to be aware of who i am and what is driving me. So on occasion i have to ponder these things and wonder whether perhaps i am suffering under a fear of commitment. My independence has never been an issue, ive had an overabundance of it since childhood (thought if you ask my mum THIS was an issue) but my concern isnt really that i will loose ir or that i ever did, more that it will continue to create eithee me avoiding people or more messy blow-ups liek the last one.
Today I head for Myrtle Beach for a long awaited vacation!!!! Hoping I'll run into Zui while I'm there... but I doubt it. I also have a kool new digital voice recorder to catch all the new ideas I've had for songs lately during the drive (amazing what a broken heart will do for ya!!!)
I have tons on new songs I just downloaded for...
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I have tons on new songs I just downloaded for...
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lol that's cool, I haven't had a decent stalker in years. And yeah I saw your site. Really liked it, great music. Very awesome.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. 

Hey everyone in SG land... what a great site! Having tons of fun navigating around and obviously looking at the most beautiful girls in the world. (oh, I just go there for the articles)
Anyway, shameless self-promotion:
Go to http://www.daveporterband.com/
and buy my freakin' CD!!!!
Really... you'd help pay for my summer home in Malibu and I really need a new Lincoln Navigator.
Anyway, shameless self-promotion:
Go to http://www.daveporterband.com/
and buy my freakin' CD!!!!
Really... you'd help pay for my summer home in Malibu and I really need a new Lincoln Navigator.

It would be my pleasure to run into Zui anywhere and as many times as she wanted me too!!!!
Thanks EMJMD and be safe!

Thanks EMJMD and be safe!
Oh, man....that does suck and says something really bad about the clientele of those places. Good thing you know the places to go for the good stuff.
You should definitely check out Austin sometime. It's not really very close to Plano (about 220 miles away)....but it's still close enough to drive down. I grew up in Richardson, right next to Plano. Texas has a lot of cool people because we have so many people, which means that we also have many not-so-cool people too.