I'm absolutely delirious right now.
I keep dozing off. Not the good kind, though.
I suffer from a sleeping disorder called sleep paralysis. I had a really bad episode a few hours ago, and now I'm terrified to go to sleep.
I bet the Nightmare on Elm Street series was fashioned after sleep paralysis.
I'm wicked scared right now.
I have to be all arizen and shinning at 9:30. It is currently... 6:01.
Part of me really wants to call Aralia. She has a pretty mild version of the disorder, and is always good at getting me to go back to sleep... real sleep, that is. It would be really sucky of me to ruin her good night of sleep because mine is ruined, though.
Bane is also asleep. She is probably all peaceful and snuggly. How can I even think to interrupt that?
I think I'll just sit here til I have to go back to work. I'll entertain myself with YouTube and hummus.
This is going to be a very long day.
I need a vaca.

I keep dozing off. Not the good kind, though.
I suffer from a sleeping disorder called sleep paralysis. I had a really bad episode a few hours ago, and now I'm terrified to go to sleep.
I bet the Nightmare on Elm Street series was fashioned after sleep paralysis.
I'm wicked scared right now.
I have to be all arizen and shinning at 9:30. It is currently... 6:01.
Part of me really wants to call Aralia. She has a pretty mild version of the disorder, and is always good at getting me to go back to sleep... real sleep, that is. It would be really sucky of me to ruin her good night of sleep because mine is ruined, though.
Bane is also asleep. She is probably all peaceful and snuggly. How can I even think to interrupt that?
I think I'll just sit here til I have to go back to work. I'll entertain myself with YouTube and hummus.
This is going to be a very long day.
I need a vaca.

Weird, I was just talking to some people at work about sleep paralysis two days ago.
I had it a couple of weeks ago actually.
Aww I'm sorry. Lets drink some beer so you can fall asleep. Look at what unselfish best friend you have