New Set!
Posh came to Chicago for a visit, and this just sort of happened. If we ever invite you to the movies, do yourself a favor and say yes.

Tomorrow I'm doing a lot of this:

(talking shit, dancing like a maniac and pretending to drink a beer)
Friday morning I'm road-tripping it to Bane Doe's parents' house in Ohio. Good times are sure to be had by all. I'm bringing my cameras to take pictures of trees, family, and Bane's mom's veritable petting zoo. Two horses, a ton of tropical birds, a giant snake, an adorable cat, three clueless dogs, and a bunch of fish. I love it!
Hell City is next month, and I'm going with the besty, Aralia131. Who else is going?
P.S. I bought CSI for 360 and Bane and I flipped it in three days. I don't mean three days of serious gaming. I mean three days after our days were over... it was seriously the worst game I ever played. I'm even embarrased that I bought it. When I go to trade it at Game Stop, I half expect the guys there to laugh at me.
Any games you guys would suggest? I'm going to have a five day vacation. Gaming is high on the agenda.
you two have awesome chemistry!! love it love it!