I am having trouble getting over the indifference of all the people I have known and called friend for the last 4 years. I am moving on and it seems like no one really cares.

I know I am supposed to be a "manly man" but right now I just want an honest heartfelt hug from someone who I truly called me a friend. frown
Something I have had on my mind for awhile and Felt like sharing...

She had remarkable long eye lashes, storm blue eyes that held a man eating glint, perfectly made cupid-bow lips that when turned into a smile was as inviting as cold water in a desert, her skin tan from the sun, with hair that was never still it drifted around her head as...
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Screw it I am moving to St Cloud and going to SCSU. Frak ECU and their fiery hoops of bullshit.
Is it Possible to get Blue balls from the East Carolina University:
That is Right I am being Jerked Around!
They tell me I am in
They tell me I have to do this first
They tell me I am not in and have to talk to this person
That person tells me it will be taken care of
That person tells me it will...
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well ECU fell thru.. No Fin AId for this guy... back to MN and SCSU for me.
I will be starting at ECU this Fall. I already have a Liberal Studies BA with a History Minor but I plan on getting a History BA and a Geography (GIS) BS and then will continuing my studies to get a Masters in Maritime Studies and Aquatic Archeology... only three more years. (I hope)

I am deathly allergic to cats and dogs. So I cannot...
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I just got the Good Word Today. I am MOVING to Greenville NC to become a Pirate at ECU.

Ah Thank You Very Much smile My knees went weak for a second when I first heard this..
my summer
work 40 hours a week
exercise at gym 14 to 28 hours a week
Exercise with the P90X workout about 7 to 9 hours a week
Party 4 hours a week - I need to find a way to increase this
read books for fun about 16 hours (when I can find a good book)

When You Say It like this... I am...
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I'm wicked inspired by your work-out plans!
Thanks Tita - and, I hope I am saying this right, "You are one Fit Bird from your snapshots." so if I inspired you I got to be doing something right..

One day I hope to have abs again....
Retiring In Alaska

Tom had been in police work for 25 years.
Finally, sick of the stress, he quits his job and buys 50 acres of land in Alaska as far from humanity as possible. He sees the postman once a week and gets groceries once a month. Otherwise, it's total peace and quiet.
After six months or so of almost total isolation, someone knocks...
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A nwe sudty sowhs 99.9% of ntuarlaly hrony popele cna raed ayntinhg?? Kepe tihs giogn yuo hrnoy fcukre.

Q. What's the least sensitive part of a penis?
A. The man behind it!

Banks Rule (Downunder)

If the global crisis continues at the present rate of greed, by the end of this year only two banks will be left operational...
The blood bank and the sperm bank!
When these two banks merge it will be run by bloody wankers!
I have come to a decision: I am going to live in Morocco for one year.
I need a new crowd.

Do you want to come?
I have been in Marocco. Dont think i whant to live there. But its nice there.
I still wouldn't mind the experience