I'm sitting here, listening to the soothing, stirring sounds of Hooverphonic while finishing the last of the bottle of Smoking Loon (a california red I quite like) that i shouldnt have opened because it would have gone bad by the time we returned. I think my subconcious was telling me that i needed a slight buzz to enable me to sleep tonight - but at this point i'm not sure who/what is responsible for my slightly out of focus condition .. the garnet coloured liquid or the seductive stylings of the band i'm listening to. If you dont know Hooverphonic then you're missing something significant. If you know them and dont like them - then I never want to talk to you ever again.
The reason i'm a little bit - out there - is that shortly after i wake up tomorrow i'm facing 24 hours of flying, a little activity i'm none to fond of - but there you are. You cant walk to new zealand/australia. you could drive i suppose - but it would take fucking forever and a car that could withstand some mighty powerful water pressure. so in the air it is.
5.5 hours to the west coast - the rainforest of Vancouver, followed by a 3 hour or so stop over, then a god damned 18 hour flight to awkland/aukland/aucland - some town in New Zealand.
Hopefully its at the far end, as we have booked a car for me to driive to take us to the other end. in a week.
on the wrong side of the road no less. ladies and gentlemen, step right up and place your bets .. i'm thinking ... day 3 ? before my first canadian/kiwi mash up, fuck it, its a rental. THIS will be my battle cry until 7 days later when we pile into another featherless bird and wing it over to sydney australiasia where our friends will pick us up and care for us until a couple of days later when it will be time to FLY once again to Adelaide (sp?) the place where we'll rent another car - god help me - and drive onto a fairy (fairy - is that right ? there is no way that can be right.... no !! .. FERRY) to Kangaroo Island !! the most dangerous place on the earth. Surrounded by great whites (swim at your own rediculous risk) and populated with simultaneously the most dangerous and most cuddly animals on the planet. bring em on, i'lll pet them all. sea lions, penguins, wallabies (mini-kangaroos) as well as their full sized Sylvester boxing cousins.
4 days or so of this insanity and its off to the grand banks - the gold coast - staying in tourest raping hotels (300$ a night) for 5 days - seeing stuff. hopefully i'll be able to sneak myself into the odd beach volleyball game while i'm there.
from there - its back to sydney - try to take in a couple of days in the city before heading back to a small unpronounceable town just outside of Syd .. where my best transplanted friend lives.
3 or so days there and its back home we go,
Did that sound really fast to you ? me too - and its supposed to be a full month - give or take the day or two we lose time travelling.
So - we'll be in a town called Christchurch christmas day - kind of funny considering my lack of faith, and we'll be just outside of a game reserve for new years eve - i'll experience 2011 about 13 hours before any of the rest of you. IN YOUR FACE ! hopefully the fireworks wont work the non human population of kangaroo island into a crazed feeding frenzy.
i guess at this point i should make my apologies for not being around for the latest long while but i doubt that anyone other than my siamese twin StCyr (i'll have to ak him where the hell that nick came from some day) noticed ... but for the sake of the wine that's compelling me to type far beyond a reasonable limit i'll attempt an explaination despite the fact that my typing is getting more troubled by the second.
Work had cut off my access to SG determining in their infinite wisdom that its a naughty site.
I can completely understand because it stands to reason that anyone seeing a lovely naked tattooed girl (hello Trouble) will begin to furiously masterbate, seriously endangering productivity and scaring the children.
add this to the fact that i've been insanely BUSY writing for the 'zine' (cool guys say it that way) and preparing for the down under excursion - that i just dont have any free time to log in and post whatever the hell it was i used to post.
Sorry geezers, sorry horror movies, sorry girls with one eye bigger than the other, i havent had the chance to participate in your forums. I take a quick peek at the feeds when i can to make sure my friends are still alive but thats about it lately.
holy christ i think i'm actually tipsey - a lot. i havent eaten yet - we have no food in the house because we didnt want to buy crap and have it go bad. i'd better eat something. but that would mean leaving the sweet fucking sounds of Hooverphonic (jesus christ you HAVE to hear the song : Jackie Cane) and i'm not prepared to do that right now.
so .. what was i talking about ?
shit .. i dunno .. merry christmas, drive safe.
i'm not sure if i'll be back anytime soon but if anything happens - no matter what - i stil think that honormae/maybeline is one of the sexiest women i've ever seen.
i think i need to lie down .....maybe i'll be in australia when i wake up.
seriously - if you have any compassion for me at all - check out hooverphonic.
bye for now.
The reason i'm a little bit - out there - is that shortly after i wake up tomorrow i'm facing 24 hours of flying, a little activity i'm none to fond of - but there you are. You cant walk to new zealand/australia. you could drive i suppose - but it would take fucking forever and a car that could withstand some mighty powerful water pressure. so in the air it is.
5.5 hours to the west coast - the rainforest of Vancouver, followed by a 3 hour or so stop over, then a god damned 18 hour flight to awkland/aukland/aucland - some town in New Zealand.
Hopefully its at the far end, as we have booked a car for me to driive to take us to the other end. in a week.
on the wrong side of the road no less. ladies and gentlemen, step right up and place your bets .. i'm thinking ... day 3 ? before my first canadian/kiwi mash up, fuck it, its a rental. THIS will be my battle cry until 7 days later when we pile into another featherless bird and wing it over to sydney australiasia where our friends will pick us up and care for us until a couple of days later when it will be time to FLY once again to Adelaide (sp?) the place where we'll rent another car - god help me - and drive onto a fairy (fairy - is that right ? there is no way that can be right.... no !! .. FERRY) to Kangaroo Island !! the most dangerous place on the earth. Surrounded by great whites (swim at your own rediculous risk) and populated with simultaneously the most dangerous and most cuddly animals on the planet. bring em on, i'lll pet them all. sea lions, penguins, wallabies (mini-kangaroos) as well as their full sized Sylvester boxing cousins.
4 days or so of this insanity and its off to the grand banks - the gold coast - staying in tourest raping hotels (300$ a night) for 5 days - seeing stuff. hopefully i'll be able to sneak myself into the odd beach volleyball game while i'm there.
from there - its back to sydney - try to take in a couple of days in the city before heading back to a small unpronounceable town just outside of Syd .. where my best transplanted friend lives.
3 or so days there and its back home we go,
Did that sound really fast to you ? me too - and its supposed to be a full month - give or take the day or two we lose time travelling.
So - we'll be in a town called Christchurch christmas day - kind of funny considering my lack of faith, and we'll be just outside of a game reserve for new years eve - i'll experience 2011 about 13 hours before any of the rest of you. IN YOUR FACE ! hopefully the fireworks wont work the non human population of kangaroo island into a crazed feeding frenzy.
i guess at this point i should make my apologies for not being around for the latest long while but i doubt that anyone other than my siamese twin StCyr (i'll have to ak him where the hell that nick came from some day) noticed ... but for the sake of the wine that's compelling me to type far beyond a reasonable limit i'll attempt an explaination despite the fact that my typing is getting more troubled by the second.
Work had cut off my access to SG determining in their infinite wisdom that its a naughty site.
I can completely understand because it stands to reason that anyone seeing a lovely naked tattooed girl (hello Trouble) will begin to furiously masterbate, seriously endangering productivity and scaring the children.
add this to the fact that i've been insanely BUSY writing for the 'zine' (cool guys say it that way) and preparing for the down under excursion - that i just dont have any free time to log in and post whatever the hell it was i used to post.
Sorry geezers, sorry horror movies, sorry girls with one eye bigger than the other, i havent had the chance to participate in your forums. I take a quick peek at the feeds when i can to make sure my friends are still alive but thats about it lately.
holy christ i think i'm actually tipsey - a lot. i havent eaten yet - we have no food in the house because we didnt want to buy crap and have it go bad. i'd better eat something. but that would mean leaving the sweet fucking sounds of Hooverphonic (jesus christ you HAVE to hear the song : Jackie Cane) and i'm not prepared to do that right now.
so .. what was i talking about ?
shit .. i dunno .. merry christmas, drive safe.
i'm not sure if i'll be back anytime soon but if anything happens - no matter what - i stil think that honormae/maybeline is one of the sexiest women i've ever seen.
i think i need to lie down .....maybe i'll be in australia when i wake up.
seriously - if you have any compassion for me at all - check out hooverphonic.
bye for now.
Have a wonderful journey! (And I adore Smoking Loon, too...)