The squirrel blog.
congradulations. if you're reading this, you've just happened upon the most useless blog ever written.
But you cant stop now - so soldier on champ.
Many of you may think i have a thing for bunnies for some odd reason .. but i dont.
I have a thing for squirrels. I think they are the coolest little animals ever.
Years ago a girlfriend of mine, her sisters boyfriend was working clearing a forest when he found a baby squirrel (from a tree he probably just cut down)
He brought it home with him - it was the cutest thing i ever saw.
Before that i remember one biting my father hard while trying to feed one and not another - which i thought was pretty cool at the time
So now a couple of years ago - this squirrel started hanging around our house. it would sit on the front steps and beg for food. if we were inside it would come around back and sit on the windowsill staring in at us.
If i went out of the house it would come running over - from several houses away.
So i started feeding it. it would grab and run for a while, but after a few days i could sit n a chair and throw different kinds of nuts to it and it would sit there and eat. Before long it would take food from my hand.
And then - to my amazement - it started jumping onto my lap and eat from my hand.
This went on all summer ... the squirrel had a nest in the bigger of the 2 trees on our front yard .. and eventually i started seeing 4 little squrrels looking down out of the nest. Unfortunately a couple fell pray to this asshole neighbourhood cat.
One day i went outside to see a commotion .. that same cat had treed 2 of the babies in the smaller tree. the mom and one of the babies made it into their tree but the other baby couldnt make the jump - or was too afraid.
I shooed the stupid cat away and after 45 min was able to coax the baby down to me making that clicking noise they make (to this day when i make that sound - squirrels will come over to me. weird, nerdy, but true.)
So i picked up the baby, held it for a little while - and then put it in the proper tree where the little guy joined mom and sib. i know it would be cool for me to hold it because the mom already knew my scent.
Never saw them much after that ... i always worried that this crazy squirrel became too tame and some kid might have hurt it - or it may have moved because of that stupid cat.
As sad as it seems i still miss that squirrel ... and i havent fed any since.
ok.. i just reread that - holy christ i'm pathetic.
and to make things worse .. pictures !!

congradulations. if you're reading this, you've just happened upon the most useless blog ever written.
But you cant stop now - so soldier on champ.
Many of you may think i have a thing for bunnies for some odd reason .. but i dont.
I have a thing for squirrels. I think they are the coolest little animals ever.
Years ago a girlfriend of mine, her sisters boyfriend was working clearing a forest when he found a baby squirrel (from a tree he probably just cut down)
He brought it home with him - it was the cutest thing i ever saw.
Before that i remember one biting my father hard while trying to feed one and not another - which i thought was pretty cool at the time
So now a couple of years ago - this squirrel started hanging around our house. it would sit on the front steps and beg for food. if we were inside it would come around back and sit on the windowsill staring in at us.
If i went out of the house it would come running over - from several houses away.
So i started feeding it. it would grab and run for a while, but after a few days i could sit n a chair and throw different kinds of nuts to it and it would sit there and eat. Before long it would take food from my hand.
And then - to my amazement - it started jumping onto my lap and eat from my hand.
This went on all summer ... the squirrel had a nest in the bigger of the 2 trees on our front yard .. and eventually i started seeing 4 little squrrels looking down out of the nest. Unfortunately a couple fell pray to this asshole neighbourhood cat.
One day i went outside to see a commotion .. that same cat had treed 2 of the babies in the smaller tree. the mom and one of the babies made it into their tree but the other baby couldnt make the jump - or was too afraid.
I shooed the stupid cat away and after 45 min was able to coax the baby down to me making that clicking noise they make (to this day when i make that sound - squirrels will come over to me. weird, nerdy, but true.)
So i picked up the baby, held it for a little while - and then put it in the proper tree where the little guy joined mom and sib. i know it would be cool for me to hold it because the mom already knew my scent.
Never saw them much after that ... i always worried that this crazy squirrel became too tame and some kid might have hurt it - or it may have moved because of that stupid cat.
As sad as it seems i still miss that squirrel ... and i havent fed any since.
ok.. i just reread that - holy christ i'm pathetic.
and to make things worse .. pictures !!

Never seen a dark one like that around here, they are pretty much all the same light color.